We Know Who Holds the Future

From NACFM President Patrick Hart

Lately, I’ve seen many in my sphere of friends and acquaintances contending with struggles and challenges in which their future seems cloudy at best. Most, if not all, are hoping for the sun to break through the thick fog around them, as literally happens many spring days here in the Pacific Northwest. Some are fighting cancer, some are wrestling through changes in their work or business, some are coping with the loss of a loved one, and others are making the transition from career to retirement. Facing the unknown can make us anxious and cause us to question the decisions that we make altering not only our present, but our future as well.

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It’s not too late to join us in Houston for the 2019 National Conference! Visit the conference page for the latest details on the conference agenda, our TopGolf family outing, speakers' bios and more. Also, get more acquainted with Houston by clicking on the "Welcome to Houston" button for a presentation that highlights some interesting facts about Houston.  

To purchase TopGolf tickets in advance for a special early bird price, click here.


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The Marks of a Spiritual Leader by John Piper

The goal of spiritual leadership is that people come to know God and to glorify him in all that they do. Spiritual leadership is aimed not so much at directing people as it is at changing people. If we would be the kind of leaders we ought to be, we must make it our aim to develop persons rather than dictate plans.

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2019 NACFM Vice Presidential Candidates 

During the business meeting at the 2019 National Conference, members will be voting on the position of Vice President. The nominees are Calvin Capps, Homer Clark & Darryl Jacobs. Learn more about our eligible candidates by clicking below.

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How To Control Humidity Cost-Effectively 

When designing HVAC systems, humidity control is paramount, and it becomes even more critical in humid climates. Humidity issues can cause significant damage to buildings, such as mold and corrosion, and can also compromise occupant comfort and health. Facility managers should be aware that there are cost-effective strategies for controlling the humidity in a building, including ways for keeping moisture out of the building and keeping the relative humidity within the space to an acceptable level of 20 to 60 percent relative humidity. The seven steps outlined below can help accomplish that goal.

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Certification Exam 

If you have attended both Session 1 & 2 of the Certification Program in the last five years and would like to take the Certification Exam in Houston at the National Conference June 17th - 20th, please contact the Director of Education, Chris Barron.

Email Chris Barron