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April 2019 NACFM News


 Message from NACFM President Patrick Hart

I don’t really consider myself a runner, but I do run occasionally for fitness, and sometimes actually enjoy it. For the last six years, on the first Sunday in March, I have participated in a 5K through downtown Seattle with around 10,000 other folks foolish enough to come out before dawn, in the cold (sometimes rainy) conditions to pound the pavement. This year, due to downtown construction, the race course was rerouted. It started off with a nice half-mile with a reasonable elevation drop, in fact when I got to that point my pace was well above what I normally run, but when I turned the corner I was faced with a steep incline for the next mile. It was grueling, but I held on to the hope offered by being able to descend that slope to the finish line. My pace dropped considerably on the upward trudge and it felt like I was crawling up the hill. I did notice that this route wasn’t nearly as scenic as that of previous years; no running in the early morning shadows of high-rise buildings, no seeing the first sunlight glisten off the Seattle waterfront, no seeing Pike Place Market waking up as vendors set up their wares. Instead I was slowly moving up a bland stretch of urban highway. Not exactly awe inspiring.

I pressed on and was able endure the front half of the course, made the turn and headed down the hill. I expected to pick up my pace, but I was exhausted from the first half of the race. The music blasting through my headphones drove me to run faster. I knew that with every step I was closer to the finish line; this helped me ignore the fatigue. While I was sure that I would complete the race with a slower time than previous years, I was surprised to discover that I had actually shaved two seconds off my time from last March!

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before Him He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. – Hebrews 12:1-3

The Apostle Paul compared our lives to running a race and focusing on Jesus, as we make our way past the many people watching to see how we perform. As I was running my race, there were spectators all along the route. Many in this cloud of witnesses were cheering on those running, particularly as we approached the finish line. In daily life the people watching us may not be so encouraging, but our endurance and perseverance may possibly be an encouragement to them.

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. – Romans 5:5-6

There are people all around us who are struggling to endure their race. I know several within our organization that have shared that they are struggling with significant issues. Whether health trials, financial difficulties, or employment anxieties these are real challenges that can seriously test one’s faith. It is difficult enough to perform our jobs when everything is going smoothly, but carrying these burdens takes its toll on our work and family life. Please join me in lifting up these co-workers in Christ, praying for their endurance through their uphill trudge.

If you, personally, are in need of prayer our board would love to come along side you (email: Submitting a prayer request on the NACFM website or calling another NACFM member (possibly from your local NACFM chapter) will allow other members to hold you up and be an encouragement to you.

Watching God work,
Patrick Hart

Make the Houston Conference a Family Adventure!

As in past conferences, NACFM will have scheduled family activities for the Houston trip. In addition to the NACFM schedule, take advantage of your time and explore Houston with your family. To help plan a family adventure, visit this site.

For more conference information and registration go here.


Microbial Damage
By Zoe Freeman of ATI (American Technologies, Inc.)
Email Zoe here or visit the ATI website here

If you should come across mold during inspections, these are things you need to know.

Basic things you need to know:

1. Mold needs moisture, food and air to grow and propagate. Organic materials such as glues, wall paper, paper on drywall, some flooring materials, wood and some paints are good food sources.

2. How long have the materials been wet? Sometimes there are onetime moisture events that can happen and they are not properly dried and then after 3 to 4 days you can have mold grow on those wet items.

3. Mold can grow on many different surfaces especially if there is a high moisture content in the air. Relative Humidity readings above 60% can cause mold to grow and flourish.

4. Mold is not regulated by the EPA. The reason is that mold affects different people in different ways. There is no standard for air quality as it relates to mold for that reason.

What to do when you see or suspect microbial damage:

1. You need to find the source of the moisture and repair it. Most common sources are roof leaks, improperly installed drain assemblies, worn or leaking drain assemblies, leaking water supply lines, water supply valves and AC condensation lines. If you are not sure of the source of the moisture intrusion, most mold remediation and restoration contractor have the experience and equipment that can be helpful in finding the source.

2. What are the mold laws and rules for the state, county or city you are in? Most states do not have specific rules on mold due to the fact that mold is not regulated by the EPA. Some states, counties and cities have laws and rules that you must abide by or face stiff penalties and fines. This info can easily be obtained by going to the state, county or city websites.

3. Having a locally licensed remediation contractor do a visual inspection of affected areas can save 
you money in the long run. A local remediation contractor will know the laws and rules governing mold in the region and can also help you in the process for the next steps in the remediation process.

4. Depending on the amount of visible microbial growth and the state, county and or city you are in, you may need to bring in a Mold Consultant or a Hygienist to take air samples and write a protocol for the removal of mold affected items. The consultant should always be 3rd party and not affiliated with the mold remediation contractor you are using.

Jesus Is Not Just Important. He Must Be First.

E.M. Gray said, “He spent his life searching for the one denominator that all successful people share. He found it wasn’t hard work, good luck, or astute human relations, though those were all important. The one factor that seemed to transcend all the rest … was putting first things first.” J.D. Greear shared his thoughts on the importance of Jesus being first in our lives in his devotional, "Jesus Is Not Just Important. He Must Be First.”

Read J.D. Greear's article here.

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