Tree of Life
Proverb 13:12 - “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.”
Sometimes I lose faith and my heart becomes sick when my dreams are shattered. I wonder where God is during my suffering and disappointment. It can feel as if he is not with me, and I feel alone and afraid. Worst of
all, my faith can fade. I might question everything I thought was true, and I wonder what is real. Why didn’t it work out? The scripture above says WHEN the desire comes, not IF. We can have confidence in the infallibility of the scripture.
God doesn’t lie and dreams do come true.
I know that like most of my NACFM family, we all dream about our families, goals, and where we would like to be someday. As we are doing this, however, are we telling God
what he should do or are we asking? Do we get bitter when our ideas don’t work out and doors close, or do we have a humble heart knowing that our Father has our best in mind, and patiently wait for His plan to unfold?
As the former VP of NACFM, one of my favorite things to do is calling members and praying with them. I am privileged to hear their stories, hopes and dreams, and humbled to pray for some who feel that God isn’t
hearing them. Some are at a crossroads, and they see doors closing. I am here to tell you that God does hear you, and he has a plan!
I haven’t shared this with
many people, but I was on my own at age 13, living day to day, and hopping from one family to the next. I had some big ideas back then. Trust me, I am happy all my “dreams” didn’t come true. I was not a believer back then, but God
was working in my life. He was working HIS dreams into my life. I may never understand fully how God has used my trials, but maybe one day I will, and I am sure I will be grateful that he did.
One of my hobbies is mountain
climbing. I’ve been a solo climber for many years, and it's one way I can have some long conversations with God. Most of the time it’s me listening to what He has to say. Trust me, when you are climbing you WANT to hear his voice.
Oftentimes, He will nudge me to look in a certain direction, and I obey and see such amazing beauty. Or other times I am distracted by a problem in my mind, turning it over and over, letting the noise of the problem drown out the voice
of the Lord. Believe me, you don’t want to be distracted on top of a 14,000 ft mountain. You could find yourself reaching up for a handhold that gives way or a rock moving out from underneath you. That will snap you back to focusing
on God right away! It is much better to quiet our thoughts. When quietness arrives, we just might find that solutions to our problems just drop into our minds.
One of my dreams has been to climb seven summits. I prayed for
an opportunity to do this, but doors kept closing. After several years I felt doors opening for this dream to become reality. This summer I will be moving forward on this goal! “But when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.” This August my summit journey will begin.
During the planning of my summer trip when my Sherpa and I were talking, he asked what I do for a living. I told him that I work as a maintenance person at my church. He then began
to tell me about a boy’s rescue charity that he helps support. He asked if I would volunteer to fix toilets and sinks. I told him that I would be happy too. What my Sherpa didn’t know was that it was cheaper for me to fly into Africa
a day earlier, and that I had already booked my flight. This meant that I had nothing to do for an entire day. Well, God filled my plate for that extra day. God is good!
I told a few people of my plans and now I’m bringing
Bibles, clothes, and balls for the boy’s rescue. How lucky and blessed I am to have God set my path to plant seeds for him. I have found that one way to see your dreams fulfilled is by helping others achieve their dreams. As others
have donated to the boy’s rescue, I know that God will be eager to meet their needs.
Matthew 6:33 says, “Rather than being preoccupied with material things, our ambition should be to seek first God’s kingdom and righteousness, knowing as we do so, he has pledged himself with covenant faithfulness to respond – all things shall be added to you.”
It all comes down to trust. Philippians 4:2, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.”
Ask him for the desires of your heart. You just might see them become a tree of life.
I leave on August 3rd to start this journey. I'm so looking forward to the adventure of ministering to the boys and spending time with Him on the mountain top! I will be praying that every one of you will be blessed
and refreshed to dream about what God has in store for you. I'll also be praying that you see your Tree of Life become reality.
God Bless you all,
Tory Korthuis
NACFM President
A Special Invitation to all NACFM Members!
Smart Church Solutions 2023 Online Benchmark Survey
We are excited to announce that Smart Church Solutions is conducting a comprehensive 2023 Benchmarking Report. The members of the NACFM have been asked to take part. This is a very important survey for our business area and will provide significant statistical data that will benefit facilities professionals.
By participating in this survey, NACFM members will contribute to the collective knowledge of the church community and gain exclusive early access to the completed report. The data collected will remain anonymous when the report is presented. This project is designed to help faith communities understand more about their facility operations planning, staffing, and budgeting.
To participate in the survey, visit HERE, or use the QR code below to access the survey.
Welcome New NACFM Members!
Kim Barger
Carrollton, TX
Wyatt Patterson
Martinez, GA
Welcome New Business Members
Please support our wonderful NACFM Business Members! Click on
their logo to visit them online.