Valentine's Day, Gratefulness, and God's Direction
February is the month when most people celebrate Valentine's Day with romantic cards, flowers and candy. And every four years we acknowledge Leap Year (or Leap Day) with the added day of February 29th. The next leap year is 2024. Both of these calendar events have roots that take us back to the Roman empire. Also, cold February is the shortest month of the year, be it a normal year or a Leap Year.
Speaking of Valentine's Day and expressing love, one of the earliest love stories is found in Genesis telling the story of Abraham's love for his son Isaac. [1] Abraham was now a very old man, and the LORD had blessed him in every way. [2] One day Abraham said to the man in charge of his household, who was his oldest servant, [3] “Swear by the LORD, the God of heaven and earth, that you will not let my son marry one of these local Canaanite women. [4] Go instead to my homeland, to my relatives, and find a wife there for my son Isaac.” - Genesis 24:1-4
Every man needs a woman in his life to keep him on the straight and narrow, be it his wife, mother, sister, or some other godly friend. And, of course, Isaac was presented with his life partner thanks to his father's efforts. Abraham knew that his son needed a life partner, and, in addition, Isaac had recently lost his mother. Continuing in Genesis we read the following.
[32] So the man went home with Laban, and Laban unloaded the camels, gave him straw to bed them down, fed them, and provided water for the camel drivers to wash their feet. [33] Then supper was served. But Abraham's servant said, “I don't want to eat until I have told you why I have come.” “All right,” Laban said, “tell us your mission.” [34] “I am Abraham's servant,” he explained. [35] “And the LORD has blessed my master richly; he has become a great man. The LORD has given him flocks of sheep and herds of cattle, a fortune in silver and gold, and many servants and camels and donkeys. [36] When Sarah, my master's wife, was very old, she gave birth to my master's son, and my master has given him everything he owns. [37] And my master made me swear that I would not let Isaac marry one of the local Canaanite women. [38] Instead, I was to come to his relatives here in this far-off land, to his father's home. I was told to bring back a young woman from here to marry his son. [39] ‘But suppose I can't find a young woman willing to come back with me?’ I asked him. [40] ‘You will,’ he told me, ‘for the LORD, in whose presence I have walked, will send his angel with you and will make your mission successful. Yes, you must get a wife for my son from among my relatives, from my father's family. [41] But if you go to my relatives and they refuse to let her come, you will be free from your oath.’[42] “So this afternoon when I came to the spring I prayed this prayer: ‘O LORD, the God of my master, Abraham, if you are planning to make my mission a success, please guide me in a special way. [43] Here I am, standing beside this spring. I will say to some young woman who comes to draw water, “Please give me a drink of water!” [44] And she will reply, “Certainly! And I'll water your camels, too!” LORD, let her be the one you have selected to be the wife of my master's son.' - Genesis 24:32-44
And most of us know the rest of the story of how Rebekah became the Lord's choice for young Isaac. God's direction for Isaac (and Abraham) was that just the right woman needed to be in place for His master plan that would one day result in the arrival of a Messiah for Israel and all of mankind.
The bottom line here is that we all need to recognize and celebrate that special someone as the person the Lord placed in our lives to perfectly compliment us. Take time to say to your special person that she or he is loved and appreciated as a gift from God. (Also, get a nice card and flowers! Or maybe a fishing lure for a guy!)
February is a great month to schedule interior projects in your church. Painting walls and resurfacing floors are much easier when ministry activity is light. Also, I've found that February is the best time to plan exterior jobs, landscaping, and vehicle prep for the spring. Our jobs are all about planning, cooperation, and compromise to keep our churches running smoothly and ministry at the forefront.
That being said, I'd like to share something you might not know. The NACFM board is always looking for qualified members to serve on the board. We have a process for vetting potential board members. We first check to see if the member meets the basic requirements such as CCFM certification, up-to-date membership, attendance at the national conference, and ongoing education to keep CCFM current. From there we reach out and ask the member if he or she might have the desire and calling to serve. Some roles have long-term commitments such as the Vice President, a 6-year requirement. Other board slots have 4-year terms. Appointed director positions have the most flexibility. So I'm asking if you’ve ever wanted to serve and help the NACFM grow and have a lasting legacy for years to come, please reach out to any board member and express your interest.
Blessings on all of you as we launch a new year of service to the Lord and fellowship within our NACFM community.
Homer Clark NACFM President
We are in the throes of dealing with winter storms in many areas of the country.
How prepared are you? If you are looking for a good resource to help you and your organization be more prepared,
check out FEMA’s playbook as a part of their America’s PrepareAthon! program
Featured Member: Allen Clark - First Baptist Church, Brandon, MI
From the oil fields of West Texas to the harvest fields of ministry as a facilities professional; this may be the best and shortest description of the work life of Allen Clark. We asked about where he had grown up, and Allen answered, "I have not yet grown up but I began growing up in West Texas where I worked in the oil fields..." Allen went on to say, "... as a maturing adult the Lord called me out of the oil fields into the ministry, so off to Bible college I went dragging my wife and three children with me!"
Welcome New NACFM Members!
Don Adams
Raleigh, NC
Charles Crossman Frisco, TX
Andrew Guillory Dallas, TX
Charles Hodnett Atlanta, GA
Houston Niesche Exclesior, MN
Rob Pearson Rochester, NY
Julia Todd Brentwood, TN