Smooth NACFM Operators!
The NACFM team is all about the smooth “operations” of the whole, and that would encompass the upkeep of buildings and systems, the smooth flow of processes and events. It can be our sole focus if we allow it. There is a general pride that we take in doing a good job, but is that all we do? This excerpt from a blog post was my inspiration this morning: “A main goal of anyone seeking to build HIS house should be to get the design from HIM. What would the church look like if it was built with the sole purpose of being the place the LORD WANTED to dwell?” What would please Him? What would make Him comfortable? I believe it is our hearts, our attitudes, and our actions. We personally are the host of His Spirit. We are the House of God. When we make ourselves a habitation for his presence, we are change agents. We are atmosphere changers – for good or for bad. Walk into a room where there are unhealthy attitudes, and you can feel it in the air. You can hear it in the language. It changes the atmosphere. Conversely, walk into a room where there is respect and appreciation, and you will hear and feel it. Our work is no longer work when we have the correct focus. Even when there is conflict, and it will happen even in the best of atmospheres, if our focus is on being the change agent we will quickly align our hearts to His. We will see things with a different perspective. We will bounce back to what is right quickly. If we live with these scriptures in our minds daily, moment by moment, we will be a welcoming home for the Lord to dwell and our conflicts will be minor and few: Galatians 4:8 - Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Galatians 5:22 & 23 - But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
One Bible teacher said if you notice that you are lacking in any one of the fruits then it is an invitation from the Lord. He wants to draw you close and instruct you. It is not that you are bad or wrong – but you are just missing something that the Lord wants to provide. Believing that you are not being scolded will take away all fear, guilt and shame. What would happen if we instructed people in the same way that God instructs us? What would happen if we received the instruction in the same way - knowing that we are not being “shamed or disciplined” but rather received the instruction with the right attitude? What if we assume that the person is providing instruction because they want the BEST for us? Another Bible teacher said: “The level of commitment we have to the Lord is also reflected in the level of commitment we have to His body, the church.” Are you here just for a paycheck, or are you here because you are called to HIS BODY? What is our “Why?” – We work to provide a welcoming place for the Lord to dwell where things flow smoothly and allow his presence to move though us because we personally are hosting his presence. I have had the pleasure of visiting many churches over the years being a part of the NACFM. With all the houses of worship I have visited, I'm proud to see that our goals have been to bless God and the people who come to worship. Well done! God Bless, Tory NACFM President
It's Not Too Late to Renew! Membership Renewal Process Change – Important!
Renewing your membership is a critical step in maintaining your valuable association with the NACFM. Please note the following changes:
Existing NACFM Members All current members need to renew their membership.
New NACFM Members Going forward, all new members will renew their membership on their anniversary date.