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June 2021 NACFM News




In the fall of 2019, I shared with you a three-part series on why we need each other. The first article focused on finding strength in numbers…

Ecclesiastes 4: 9 - 12
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

The second article explored the value of mentoring. Where would Christianity be today without the Apostle Paul mentoring the fledgling churches he established.

In 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul tells the Church, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” In Philippians 4:9 Paul tells them, “Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen from me put into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

The last installment shared the advantages of local networking. The NACFM was created to nurture these kinds of relationships. Church Facility Managers no longer must feel isolated in the FM world. The structure of our organization encourages mentorship. It is the desire of the NACFM to encourage and nurture local networking among our members. Whether you call them chapters or local groups, they create the perfect opportunity to build both professional and personal relationships. The invaluable information sharing that takes place in that environment is just icing on the cake.

Your Board of Directors has put much prayerful thought and discussion on how we can further improve relationships inside the NACFM as well as how to create and maintain new ones with outside organizations. I am excited to announce the creation of two new positions in the NACFM.

The first one is Director of Local Groups. Currently, the success of local groups of NACFM members varies greatly from one location to another. The Dallas and Ft Worth area has had a lot of success with local groups. Their meetings are heavily attended. Business partners have stepped up and sponsored meetings offering door prizes and even a free lunch occasionally. Our members in Minnesota have had a strong statewide network that is as old as the NACFM. Yet, we have other areas with plenty of members that have not found the right formula that works for them. At the same time, we receive inquiries from prospective members and business partners that want information about local NACFM groups. I remember how much I benefitted from our local meetings when I was a new CFM. There are CFMs out there that need us but will join a secular FM group because they want the benefits of a face-to-face interaction with local peers. Sadly, they will be disappointed. I joined the largest FM association in the world when I was hired. It was a good organization. It definitely serves a need and its mission is a worthy one. At the same time, 99% of their members were not living in my world. The NACFM is unique and we are on a “Mission from God.” (A little plug for our national conference this month.) We believe local groups are an important next step as we strive to fulfill our mission.

“The NACFM is dedicated to equipping church facilities professionals for the unique care and management challenges they face through continuing education, leadership development and peer support.”

The second new position will be Director of Development. A little background is required to understand the need for this addition. When we elect a new Vice President this month at our National Conference, that person will serve in the position for two years. They will then automatically become President for two years. Finally, they will serve two years as Executive Director. The new VP is committing to serve the NACFM members for 6 years. This leadership model serves us very well in many ways and is lacking in others. Each of these three positions has specific responsibilities assigned to them. This structure provides continuity in leadership which is important. The major drawback is how this model does not help us create and maintain relationships with our business partners and outside groups. By outside groups, I am referring to non-profit organizations that believe in the NACFM and its mission and are interested in an alliance that would benefit both organizations. It is hard to build and maintain these relationships when we change their NACFM contact every two years. It takes time to develop relationships with new business partners and outside groups. As of July 1st, we all change positions or roll off the Board and our partners will have to get to know their new contact on the Board. At the same time, that new Board Member is trying to learn their new role. There is some truth in the belief that by the time you learn and understand your role, it’s time to change to the next position and start over again. Having a Board member dedicated to these relationships for more than two years at a time will provide the continuity needed to professionally interact with businesspeople and leaders.

These new positions are voluntary as is the entire board. They will be appointed by the board to serve a term to be determined as we finalize job descriptions. Please continue to pray for the NACFM and your BOD as we look for the persons God has chosen to serve in these positions.

Please join us in praying for our members still being affected by Covid 19 or the various natural disasters across the country. We have heard from some members that regularly attend the National Conference saying that due to the pandemic or a disaster, they cannot attend this year. They will be missed!

The National Conference starts on Monday, June 21st in Arlington Heights Illinois. I encourage all to attend that are able. Attendees will be blessed, educated, and fed spiritually. For those in the Chicago area that have never attended a conference, this is a great opportunity to enjoy the experience without the expense of travel. I had never attended one until the conference was held in Knoxville, TN. Since that was close enough for me to drive, I decided to go. I have not missed one since then. I am confident you will feel the same way if you ever attended one.

This is the last newsletter article I will write as your President. I hope they have been encouraging to you. Writing in this form does not come easy for me. I appreciate the letters and calls of encouragement I have received from you over the last two years. Thank you for allowing me to serve our association as your President, it has been a blessing. I am excited to see what God has in store for the NACFM in the future. Please pray for our upcoming conference and the election of our next Vice President.

I am yours in Christ. It is with bittersweet emotions that I sign off on this last article.

Blessings my Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Gary Robinson 
NACFM President

2021 NACFM Candidates for Vice President
At our upcoming National Conference, we will be electing a new vice president of the NACFM. This is a very important and meaningful position for our organization. Please review their bios and begin to prayerfully consider your vote.

Spouses Luncheon and Family Activities in Chicago

NACFM Conferences are always family friendly and Chicago has plenty to offer for a family vacation. Among family activities at this year's conference is the spouses luncheon scheduled for Tuesday, June 22nd. Childcare is provided for children under 12 years old for the spouses luncheon and you may purchase tickets for children over 12 years old.

Checkout the Latest Products and Services

2021 has us back on track to showcase the latest products and services offered in the church facilities industry. Take advantage of this great opportunity and more at this year's NACFM Chicago Exhibit Hall.

Thursday Evening Banquet Celebrating 25 Years of the NACFM!

We missed out on celebrating the NACFM 25th anniversary last year. We will be honoring this NACFM milestone at our conference this year in Chicago. Join us for the celebration banquet on the evening of Thursday, June 24th!

Featured Member:
Tom Siener
- First Free Church, Manchester, MO

Forty years of facility management and a journey of faith somewhat summarize the life of Tom Siener.

Today, Tom Siener is the Facility Manager overseeing the operation of the First Free Church, a 176,000 sq ft facility in Manchester, Missouri. Manchester is just west of metro St. Louis. Tom assumed his position at the church in 2014 where he has been worshipping since 1994.


Welcome New NACFM Members!  

Daniel Olanusi - Orange, NJ

Paul Schultz - Lancaster, PA

Welcome New NACFM Business Members  

Support these great companies that supports the NACFM.  Please click on the logos below to visit their websites.